Jan 09, 2012

3 Ways to Empower Your Corporate Real Estate Team

By Don Catalano


Corporate Real Estate Team

There are many ways to empower your corporate real estate team. Some of the best ideas to try involve taking simple steps:

Establish Best Business Practices

Your first step is to determine what actually works in your business and what does not. Once this has been identified, you can then focus on defining a set of policies and procedures to be followed. You should stay focused on practical solutions. Remember also, that training your team on how to do this as well will be a big part of their own empowerment. Once they feel like they have had some ownership in this process, you will begin to see results soar. You may even find that they have some excellent ideas that you had not thought of.


Implement Team-Wide Accountability

This is a huge secret to unlocking the power and potential of your corporate real estate team. You need to establish methods to measure and track employee performance and then take timely action. The employees should be made a part of this process as well. Once they clearly know and understand what is to be expected of them, it is easy to evaluate the performance of your entire team. Taking action implies feedback more than punishment or trying to correct problems or issues. Seeing this step more as implementing feedback procedures will help foster a successful undertaking. And an important part of this step, is to make sure your corporate real estate team has all the tools they need. This is, ultimately, one of the most positive steps you can implement for your business.


Get Out Of The Way!

You have most likely recruited and trained your corporate real estate team. Obviously, you are quite proud of them and convinced they can do a successful job. Simply get out of their way! Once you have implemented processes and policies and instituted accountability and feedback procedures, allow them to focus on the details. After all, they can probably even take care of most details best by themselves.

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Don Catalano

Don Catalano
